With presents to find and wrap, food to prepare, and plans to organise, for some of us, the ‘most wonderful time of the year’ can also be the most stressful.
Festive pressure starts to mount from the beginning of December. Throughout the month, not only do we have our normal stuff to deal with, but there are lots of extra responsibilities, such as present buying and wrapping, endless Christmas parties, booking in time with the family, in-laws and relatives, not to mention preparing for the big day itself. All of this, combined with late nights, rich food and too much booze inevitably leads to guilt and stress.
Christmas should be a fun and relaxing time. So, follow these top tips to avoid a festive meltdown, with these stress-relieving tips:
Set a budget
There’s a lot of financial pressure over the Christmas period. Buying food, drink, presents and decorations can burn a massive hole in your pocket. So, make sure you set an affordable budget, and stick to it.
Make a list of everything you’re going to need, from presents, to Christmas crackers and set a budget for each item. Being in control of your finances will make Christmas a lot less stressful.
Online Shopping
From now until Christmas, shopping centres across the country will be jam-packed with people stocking up for the big day and panic buying gifts.
If the thought of crowds fills you with dread, why not shop online? It’s the warmer, cheaper and easier option. But if you do go down this route, check delivery times to make sure everything will arrive on time.
Don’t abandon healthy habits
During the holiday season, it’s easy to go overboard on just about everything. There are endless Christmas parties with food, snacks, booze and all sorts of goodies. But don’t let the holidays become a free-for-all. If you’re on a diet or strict exercise routine, be mindful and disciplined with what you eat and drink. It will save you a whole heap of guilt and extra hours at the gym after the holiday.
Try these suggestions:
Pick Your Battles
Being in close quarters with family members for long periods of time can be stressful by itself. You each have your own personalities and because of your differences, it’s easy to rub each other up the wrong way. But if you let every remark get under your skin, you’ll be miserable and stressed out the entire time. So, set aside your differences, and agree to disagree.
While this is easier said than done, if you can learn how to pick your battles wisely, your Christmas is going to be a lot more relaxed.
Know your limits
Stress can take hold when you take on too much and feel as though you can’t cope. Learn how to recognise when things are getting too much and don’t be afraid to ask for help. For example, if you have the whole family coming over for Christmas lunch, share the responsibilities between everyone rather than taking on everything yourself. If everyone has a job, no one person will carry the whole burden. Stress levels should be reduced all round.
Take care of yourself
You can’t take care of others if you don’t take care of yourself first. Particularly if you’re an anxious person, if you’re not careful, the holiday season could wind up being detrimental to your physical and mental health. Make time to exercise, socialise, and treat yourself to the things you enjoy, like a massage, facial or a Thai Scrub. An hour of complete relaxation will help you recharge the batteries and beat the holiday stress.
We can help you relax at Castle Thai Spa this Christmas with all three treatments, plus a lot more. Give us a call on 0131 629 0794 to book your treatment.
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