You already know about the many and varied benefits of massage. If you’re a frequent massage user, you will be familiar with the state of relaxation that comes along with a massage. Couples massage, however, might be unfamiliar territory. Have you ever considered having a massage with your partner? A professional couples massage is very different from one of you performing a massage on the other, and it has a number of benefits that you might not want to miss out on.
Introduce Your Partner to Massage
Some people are very nervous about experiencing a massage for the first time. They’re anxious about the state of their bodies: are they too fat? Do they have too much body hair? What about their natural body odor? Is it too strong? In addition, they worry about what the massage will be like, how they’re supposed to behave in a massage setting, and how they’re going to communicate with their masseuse if something isn’t quite right. All of these worries might just be preventing your partner from experiencing a massage and all of the benefits it can offer.
The solution? Couples massage. The two of you are able to go in together. You can be there to offer emotional support in the beginning, and once the massage has started, your partner will realize just how beneficial massage can be. Many first timers are nervous about the whole experience, but having a loved one by their side makes it much easier to relax and enjoy the massage.
All the Benefits of Massage Times Two
Massage might be a regular part of your shared routine with your partner. It’s possible that you regularly offer massages to each other. What that means, however, is that only one of you can receive at a time. To create an ideal massage experience, it’s necessary for one partner to wait for “next time” while the other enjoys all the benefits of relaxation when the massage is over. With a couples massage, both of you are able to relax at the same time. That means that both of you will be more comfortable, free of pain, and free of the stress and anxiety that have plagued you throughout the day or week. With couples massage, you don’t have to feel selfish for enjoying yourself because you know that your partner has been able to have the same experience right beside you.
Enhanced Bonding
Couples massage is an incredible opportunity to bond with your partner. Whether you use the opportunity to catch up or simply enjoy in silence, couples massage is a great chance to spend time with your partner. There’s something that connects you together emotionally throughout the experience, and it’s not at all uncommon for both of you to be ready to physically bond when the procedure is over.
During a massage, you tend to be focused on the moment, not on what has happened over the past days or weeks. If you’ve been frustrated or arguing with one another or have experienced some tension in your relationship, your massage can help you let go of all of that–and after the massage is over, you’ll be better able to set the conflict aside in other aspects of your life, as well.
Increase Affection for One Another
You already know that massage releases all sorts of feel-good hormones that make you feel more connected. When you enjoy a couples massage, both of you get the benefit of those hormones simultaneously. You’ll connect those feelings with one another and experience an increase in affection as a result.
The Impact of Therapists
As much as you enjoy being massaged by your partner, there’s something about working with a licensed massage therapist that opens up your body and mind in ways that your partner simply can’t manage. You’ll be more relaxed, more open, and receive more benefit from the massage than you would from your partner alone–and remember, this is times two, since both of you will be receiving the massage at the same time. Skilled massage therapists will find all the right places in your body to leave you and your partner completely relaxed. There’s no fumbling around or wondering if it’s going the way you intended; instead, you know that both of you are being taken care of.
Refresh and Renew Your Relationship
There are rough spots in every relationship. If you’ve never tried a couple’s massage before, sometimes, simply trying something new together can be enough to make both of you feel as though you’ve gotten a fresh start. Have you experienced couples massage before? Taking the opportunity to do it again can still give you the chance to relax together, open up to one another, and give your relationship a fresh start.
The benefits to couples massage are amazing. If you’ve been considering it but simply haven’t made the time, now is the time to put those plans into action. Not only is it a valuable opportunity to make time for your partner in your hectic schedules, it’s an experience that can’t be duplicated in any other way. If you’re ready to set up your couples massage, contact us today.
We’ll work with you to determine which one you would most like to try: Thai Yoga massage or Thai oil massage. Both types of treatment are designed to increase relaxation, improve flexibility, and leave you feeling better than you have in weeks–all with your partner at your side. Why wait?
Ready to experience lasting relief from pain and stress? Prioritise your well-being today! Book Your Massage or Explore Our Services and discover the benefits of our specialised Thai treatments. Looking for the perfect gift? Check out our Gift Cards to share relaxation and care with someone special.